Monday, June 21, 2010

The wisdom of Jen Solomen

So the first Bible story that stuck in my head as a kid was the story of king solomen and how he could tell which was the real mamma cause she wouldn't want the baby cut in half... kind of a wierd story really, but let me tell you a funny on about Adri and Mo

So Morganne and Adrienne are really THE best of friends...most of the time. But after a long afternoon of celebrating Fathers day, they were pretty much done with each other. One particulary ugly battle was over a Barbie bike helmet that Momo insists she left here and Adri insists is hers. Niether Jaque or I could for sure say it beloned to us (toys have offspring when you arn't looking) so the battle raged on.

I finally said to the girls, helmet in hand, here is what we are going to do, I am going to cut this helmet in half and give half to each of you. Long pause... then Adri bursts into tears, no it will be broken! Morgan tilts her head to the side and says, I want the part with the Barbie picture on it.

So there you have it : ) (sent it home to Jq's house anyway)


  1. Our Gospel Doctrine teacher is always telling us to "liken the scriptures unto us", and now I will always think of this story when she says that. Hopefully I won't laugh too loud in class.

    PS, welcome to blog-hood.

  2. Hahaha! Hilarious. Love those cute girls!
